sábado, 8 de mayo de 2010

Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labour in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. Psalm 127.1

It is now more than a year ago that we started building the House of the Nations. During the process we have seen God´s hand at every step, and not only this, we have grown as a family, in commitment, in working as a team, in serving and in understanding the building work that God wants to do in our own lives.

The first stage has recently been concreted. Right now we are advancing with stage two which consists of the ceiling of the ground (first) floor with its beams. Talking about it is easy, but the challenges continue on a daily basis… We have planned to make the ceiling this Saturday, 8th May, and in order to do this we need the masons to work very hard to get everything ready and as a base we are praying continuously that God would arrange everything in its proper time.

As part of this, God´s project we´d like to invite you to support us in prayer for:
- The Lord´s protection and care of the workers
- To be on time in this crucial week, including Saturday
- A fair Price for the cement for the ceiling
- Financial provision to finish this second phase

Not only cement, sand and iron, but also people… The students from the DTS and School of English have left for their outreaches. This means we have 11 teams taking the Good News to the nations…

Our hope is firmly fixed in our God and we know the He is giving us these new challenges. Thank you for being part of this dream, which was born in God´s heart and mind. Thank you because without your support we would not have come this far.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
YWAM Cartagena.

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